供应商安全评估检查表,Goods Securyty 货物安全 YESNONA,1.0Does the facility have a designated security officer to supervise the introduction/removal of cargo?,厂内有没有特定的保安员监察货物出入?2.0Does the facility have all goods properly marked.weighed.counted and documented?,厂内的货物有没标记,量度,点存及文件记录?3.0Does the facility have procedures and maintain records for tracking the timely movement of incoming and outgoing goods?,厂内有没有措施及记录来查核货物的出入时间? ,4.0Does the facility have procedures and maintain records for verifying seals on containers .trailers and trucks?,厂内有没有措施及记录来核实在货柜及货车上的封条?5.0Does the facility have procedures for secure storage of empty and full containers prevent unauthorized access?,厂内有没有措施来确保装或卸重柜或卡柜时防止闲人等进入柜内?6.0Does the facility have procedures to nofify Customs or any other law entorcement agencies in cases where anomalies or illegal activities are detected or suspected by the company?,当厂内发生任何不寻常事情或不合法的活动,工厂有没有措施方案联络海关及其他法定治安机关?7.0Does the facility have adequate written security procedures/manuals in place?,工厂内有没有适当的保安规条指引存档?8.0Does the facility have procedures for detecting and reporting shortages and overages in loading?工厂在出货时有没有相关的程序以检查和报告货物的缺少及过多? , L.SECURITY 安全,9.0Does the facility have procedures and maintain records to monitor the raw materia vendors?,工厂内有没有措施及记录来监控物料供应商的来料? ,10.0Does the facility have procedures and maintain records to monitor subcontract vendors?,工厂有没有措施及记录来监控外判工序生产商的来货? ,11.0Does the facility keep customer security procedures/policies.product specifications.purchase orders and manifests?,工厂有没有保留顾客保障程序措施产品规格,订货单和仓单?Physical Security 物理安全 YESNONA,12.0Is the facility constructed of materials that resist unlawful entry and protect against outside intrusion?(Walls.fences.windows and gates),厂内有没有设施用来防止不获受权的人,车进入及侵入(围墙、栏杆、窗及门),13.0Does the facility have sufficient lighting inside and outside?,厂内外有没有足够的灯光?14.0Does the facility have hired security guard shifts on duty for 24 hours? ,厂内有没有雇用保安员24小时轮班巡逻?15.0Does the facility have an electronic security system?(automatic alarms.security meras.etc)厂内有没有装置电子保安系统,自动警钟、保安?16.0Does the facility have an internal communication system to contact security guards?(Telephone. intercom. walkie-talkies. etc,厂内有没有内部通信系统与保安员联络(电话,对讲机等)?17.0Does the security guards regularly check all enclosures inside and outside the facility?(Doors. Windows.gates and fences. etc),保安员有没有定时巡查厂内外的设备、门窗?18.0Does the facility maintain an external communication system to contact the local law enforcement authorities?(Telephone or alarm.etc.),工厂是否有对外通信系统以联络当地的执法部门?(电话或网络平台),19.0Does the facility provide for segregation and marking of international domestic high-value and dangerous goods within the facility in a safe area?,工厂是否会对外销、内销、贵重、危险品分隔储存和标识,并存放在安全的区域?20.0Does the facility maintain a parking area for private vehicles separate from the shipping .loading dock and cargo areas ?,工厂是否设有私家车停放区并与出货车停放区分开? ,21.0Do the secudrity guards have keys and codes to all locks and alarms on doors. windows .gates. Fences.etc?,保安是否持有所有门、窗、大门、围拦的锁匙和警报系统的密码?22.0Do other person in the facility have copies of keys and codes?,工厂其它人员是否持有门、窗、大门、围拦的锁匙和警报系统的密码?23.0Are all building. Cago-receiving areas. Cago-loading areas. Parking areas and entrances monitored by recorded CCTV systems?,工厂所有建筑、收货区、出货区、停车区及入口处都有闭路电视监视并持有记录?
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