QR8D报告质量评定基本要求,阶段内容要求项目要素归类备注,Title8D报告的题目Title包含QR号, 发布QR时的题目内容G8D-QR代码(如QNM****)- 车型(如CD391)-*******,售后问题如下作为参考,ECB/GCR- CD391牛图文牛图文问题----VIN号命名。D0对问题现象的描述对问题现象/症状的定义及量化的详细描述包含发生时间,发生地点,发生数量和批次信息,以及具体现象,应急响应1: 对CAF现场没有装车零件采取的应急保护措施(若紧急);D0 针对症状/保护客户整机/整车的发运,或支持CAF的当前生产,如在CAF 临时的跟线100%检查或拒收问题批次零件等,应急响应2:对供应商现场生产采取的应急措施如停止生产或采取100%检查,对应急响应措施ERA的有效验证,确保ERA不会产生新的问题点对应急措施有必要的评估,并确认应急措施的检出有效性和数量,D1组建8D团队有明确的Champion,推动整个8D过程如工厂经理/或总监,有明确的Leader具有Leadship能力的牵头人,能够主导整个8D的顺利完成。有足够的Team Member包含与问题相关的部门成员,D2对问题陈述问题陈述(Problem Statement)简洁明了,能够明确问题发生的对象和问题的缺陷什么零件出了什么问题,问题描述(Problem Description)有合理的“Is/Is Not”清单根据事实,有数据依据的展示“Is/Is Not”清单,包含What/Where/When/How Big,问题描述(Problem Description)充分的收集了现有的信息,并进行描述描述问题发生的时间,受影响的批次,数量,问题的比例及产生问题的模穴或设备等详细量化信息。问题描述(Problem Description)有必要的问题图片展示附上问题图片,D3选择和实施临时措施选择合适有效地ICA,并进行文档化和进行有效的培训(证据文件)对目前的ICA进行描述,并根据QCM 进行文档化和培训,ICA进行有效的验证:确认可以有效且不会产生新的问题点对ICA经过的验证进行描述,如边界零件/失效零件的有效性验证等,临时措施对相同工艺工装零件的平行展开如相同/相似工艺/零件的横向展开,,并在CAF不同工厂展开。有合格的QCM,有效的数据记录(以最终的QCM作为附件)QCM数据支持临时围堵数据, 包括所有受影响批次,以及CAF所有工厂的围堵数据,,不合格品的处理情况必须要有对检查出来的不合格品的管理及处理方案和记录。确保不会再次进入CAF系统,D4确认问题的根本原因和逃逸点根本原因的确认: 展开头脑风暴,并运用详细的鱼骨图充分的分析问题鱼骨图作为附件,根本原因的确认: 运用更新“Is/Is Not”清单及对比分析表分析问题运用“Is/Is Not”清单,完善对比分析表等质量工具缩小问题调查范围, 确认问题产生的根本原因,根本原因的确认: 运用5 Why理论追问, 直到找到问题根源或变化点运用5Why一步一步追问,直到问题根本原因 ,根本原因验证:重现问题(或A-B-A验证)有条件的对问题进行重现验证,再现故障,问题逃逸点确认: 运用5 Why理论追问, 直到找到离问题可能被发现但未被发现的最近点运用5Why一步一步追问,直到问题逃逸点,问题逃逸点验证:进行兔子零件验证运用边界零件/失效零件对逃逸点进行验证,D5选择永久措施选择永久措施:运用头脑风暴,对众多的永久措施方案进行评估,选择合适可行的永久措施可以列出所有可能的永久措施,并进行验证, 择优选取,永久措施的验证:进行必要的设计或过程验证, 确保永久措施有效且不会产生新的问题对选定的永久措施进行风险分析,确认不会产生新的质量问题,选择最好的PCA,并提供改善前后的数据证明,重新对逃逸点进行有效评估逃逸点在永久措施时可能被改变,需要对逃逸点进行重新验证,保证不会再失效(如定时检查,极限零件等),D6永久措施的实施实施永久措施:并移出临时措施进行的数据跟踪列举实施的永久措施,有证据文件或图片(before&after data),若PCA是针对逃逸点的:需要对系统进行定期监测逃逸点在永久措施时可能被改变,需要对逃逸点进行重新评估,保证不会再失效,永久措施实施后的验证:有足够的数据支撑(before&after data,如Form 4)提供改善前后的数据证明,以及过程能力改善的证明等,D7预防问题再现针对现有问题的预防措施展示如何对现有问题的预防措施,针对类似问题/类似工艺/类似零件的预防措施,平行展开展示对类似问题的预防措施,针对系统的预防措施展示系统性的预防措施,预防措施证据文件(OIS/FMEA/CP)经验教训文档化,并提供文件支持,D8团队认可与奖励必要的奖励与认可庆祝团队任务的结束,G8D REPORTG8D报告,Title:,标题:Date Opened:,开启日期:Last Updated:,最近更新:,Product/Process Information:,产品/过程信息Organisation Information:,组织信息:,DØ Symptom(s): D0 症状,Define and quantify the symptom. Identify customer and affected parties.,定义并量化症状。确定顾客和受影响对象。DØ Emergency Response Action(s): D0:紧急反应措施,Select an emergency response with or without service action only if necessary. 只有必要时才选择紧急反应,紧急反应可能不采取任何措施。Verification / Validation:,确认与验证:,Is the customer protected? 顾客受到保护了吗? ,D1 Team: ,D1:组建团队Name 名字Dept 部门Phone 电话D2 Problem Statement: ,D2 问题陈述:,Champion:,负责人:The champion removes road-blocks. ,负责人排除问题解决过程中的障碍。State symptom as an object and a defect. Use repeated Whys. 描述零件和缺陷等症状,不断地问“为什么”。 ,Team Leader:,团队领导:The team leader gives assignments and reports out. ,团队领导安排任务并负责报告。Team Members:,团队成员:,D2 Problem Description:,D2 问题描述:,Perform 'IS' vs 'IS NOT' analysis.,执行“是/不是”分析,Complete Cause & Effect diagram.,完成因果分析图,D3 Interim Containment Action(s):,D3 制定临时措施,Select an interim containment with or without service action if necessary. 选择一个临时围堵措施。Verification / Validation:,验证与确认:,Is the customer protected? 顾客受到保护了吗? ,D4 Root Cause(s) and Escape Point(s): D4 确定根本原因和问题逃逸点% Contribution:,贡献率:,Develop potential root cause list. Can causes be verified (make problem come and go)? 制作可能的根本原因清单。确定原因是否能被验证(让问题重现),Finalize root cause list. Identify control point capable of detecting the problem.最终确认根本原因,确认可发现问题的控制点,Verification:验证:,Does the final root cause account for all known 'IS' and 'IS NOT' ? 最终的根本原因可以说明所有的“是”和“不是”项吗? ,D5 Chosen Permanent Corrective Action(s): D5 选择永久措施:,Select a permanent containment with or without service action if necessary.选择永久措施。Verification:验证:,What evidence do you have that this will resolve the problem at the root-cause level? 有什么证据可以证明这将从根本上解决这个问题?D6 Implemented Permanent Corrective Action(s): D6 执行永久措施,Develop an action plan for implementation. Discontinue the interim containment action. 制定执行永久措施的行动计划并终止临时措施。Validation: 确认,Confirm with customer, using symptom measurables, that the problem has been eliminated. 用症状量化指标与顾客确认问题已根除。D7 Prevent Actions: ,D7 预防问题重现:,Date Implemented: ,执行日期:,Review problem history. Identify what allowed problem to occur and escape. 回顾问题,识别问题发生和逃逸的原因。D7 Systemic Prevent Recommendations:,D7 系统预防的建议:Responsibility:责任人:,Identify system or procedures responsible for problem. Have all required changes been documented? 确认产生问题的系统或程序。确认是否所有的变化都有文件记录。D8 Team and Individual Recognition:,D8 奖励团队和个人贡献Date Closed: ,关闭日期:Reported by:,报告人:,Document lessons learned and recognize teams collective effort. Celebrate task completion. 文件记录经验教训并奖励团队的共同努力。,Problem Solving Worksheet 问题解决表Step 1 of 4,Problem Statement 问题描述,Problem Description,问题描述IS 是Logically could be but, IS NOT 逻辑上有可能但不是 Get Information,获得信息,WHATObject 对象,Vehicle(s) 车型,Part Number(s) 零件号What object has the defect?,什么产品有这种缺陷What objects that are similar in shape, composition, form or function could have the defect but do not?,什么产品在形状、构成、形式或功能上相似且有可能发生类似缺陷,但实际上没有。Defect缺陷,Mechanism of Failure 失效原理,Noise Factors 噪音因素,Piece-to-Piece 单件缺陷,Change over Time 随时间的改变,Customer Usage Cycle 顾客使用周期,External Environment 外部环境,Neighboring System(s)邻接系统What is the defect? 缺陷是什么 What other similar defect(s) could have been observed but were not?,可能有什么其它类似的缺陷,但是实际上没有。WHERE,地点On Vehicle or Object,在整车还是零件上Where on the object is the defect observed?,再零件的什么地方发现缺陷?Where else on the object could the defect have been observed but was not?,零件上其它的什么地方可能发生这种缺陷,但实际上没有。WHEFirst Observed & Seen Since,第一次发现的地点Where geographically and in the process was the defective object first observed?,缺陷首次发现是在什么地点,在过程的哪一个步骤发生?Where geographically and in the process could the defective object have first been observed but was not?,还有可能在什么地点、在过程的哪一个步骤发生,但实际上没有发生?WHEN,时间First Observed & Seen Since,第一次发现的时间When in time was the defective object first observed? 缺陷在什么时间首次发现?When in the process was the defective object first observed? 在过程中的哪个步骤首次发现缺陷?When in the life cycle of the defective object was the defect first observed?,零件在它生命周期的哪个阶段首次发现缺陷?When in time could the defective object have first been observed but was not? 还有可能在什么其它时间首次发现缺陷但没有?When in the process could the defective object have first been observed but was not? 还有可能在过程中的哪个步骤首次发现缺陷,但没有?When in the defective object's life could the,WHPattern Since 形式,In Process 制程中,Operating Cycle 操作周期,Life Cycle 生命周期What patterns of occurrence of the defect have been observed with respect to time? 缺陷发生的时间形式(如左边已列出的模式)是什么?When during use of the defective object is the defect observed?,缺陷件在哪个使用阶段被发现? What patterns of occurrence could have been observed with respect to time but were not?,有可能的但没有发生的其他缺陷发生的时间形式是什么?When during use of the defective object could the defect have been observed and was not?,缺陷件可能在其它哪个使用阶段被发现,但实际上没有? ,Magnitude 等级How many objects have the defect? What is the magnitude of the defect in terms of percentages, rates, patterns, trends, yield, physical dimensions, etc.? R/1000 and % in service.,多少零件有此缺陷?就比率、形式、趋势、产量和尺寸大小来讲缺陷的大小是多少?如R/1000和服务件的比率。How many objects could have the defect but do not? What magnitude could the defect have, but does not?,多少件可能发生这种缺陷,但实际上没有?还有什么其它缺陷等级?HOW BIG,严重度Defects per Object 每件的缺陷数How many defects are there per defective object?,每个缺陷件的缺陷数是多少?How many defects could there have been per defective object but were not ?,有可能有的其他缺陷数,但实际上没有? ,Trend 趋势,Hazard Plot(s) 风险函数散点图What is the trend (increasing, decreasing, cyclical, etc.)?,趋势是什么?(增加、减少还是循环等)What could the trend have been but was not (increasing, decreasing, cyclical, etc.)?,还有什么其它的可能的但实际没有的趋势?,鱼骨图,Problem Solving Worksheet 问题解决表Step 2 of 4,Comparative Analysis 比较分析,Differences 差异Changes 变化Date 日期 ,ATObject 零件,Vehicle(s) 车型,Part Number(s) 零件号,WHDefect 缺陷,Mechanism of Failure 失效机理,Noise Factors 噪音因素,Piece-to-Piece 单件缺陷,Change over Time 随时间的改变,Customer Usage Cycle 顾客使用周期,External Environment 外部环境,Neighboring System(s) 邻接系统,REOn Vehicle or Object 整车还是零件,WHEFirst Observed & Seen Since,第一次发现的地点,ENFirst Observed & Seen Since,第一次发现的时间,WHPattern Since 形式,In Process 过程中,Operating Cycle 操作周期,Life Cycle 生命周期,Magnitude 等级,HOW BIGDefects per Object 每件的缺陷数,Trend 趋势,Hazard Plot(s) 风险函数散点图,Problem Solving Worksheet 问题解决表Step 3 of 4,Possible Cause Hypotheses 可能原因的假设,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,Problem Solving Worksheet 问题解决表Step 4 of 4,Test of Root Cause Hypotheses 假设根本原因的检测,abcdefg,WHATObject 对象,Vehicle(s) 车型,Part Number(s) 零件号,Defect缺陷,Mechanism of Failure 失效原理,Noise Factors 噪音因素,Piece-to-Piece 单件缺陷,Change over Time 随时间的改变,Customer Usage Cycle 顾客使用周期,External Environment 外部环境,Neighboring System(s)邻接系统,WHERE,地点On Vehicle or Object,在整车还是零件上,WHEFirst Observed & Seen Since,第一次发现的地点,WHEN,时间First Observed & Seen Since,第一次发现的时间,WHPattern Since 形式,In Process 过程中,Operating Cycle 操作周期,Life Cycle 生命周期,Magnitude 等级,HOW BIG,严重度Defects per Object 每件的缺陷数,Trend 趋势,Hazard Plot(s) 风险函数散点图,Problem Solving Worksheet 问题解决表,Problem Statement 问题陈述Comparative Analysis 比较分析Possible Cause Hypotheses ,可能的原因假设Test of Root Cause Hypotheses ,假设根本原因的检测,Problem Description,问题描述IS 是Logically could be but, IS NOT ,逻辑上可能是但不是Get Information,获得信息Differences 差异 Changes 变化Date 日期abcdefg,WHATObject 对象,Vehicle(s) 车型,Part Number(s) 零件号a,Defect缺陷,Mechanism of Failure 失效原理,Noise Factors 噪音因素,Piece-to-Piece 单件缺陷,Change over Time 随时间的改变,Customer Usage Cycle 顾客使用周期,External Environment 外部环境,Neighboring System(s)邻接系统b,WHERE,地点On Vehicle or Object,在整车还是零件上c,WHEFirst Observed & Seen Since,第一次发现的地点d,WHEN,时间First Observed & Seen Since,第一次发现的时间e,WHPattern Since 形式,In Process 过程中,Operating Cycle 操作周期,Life Cycle 生命周期f,Magnitude 等级g,HOW BIG,严重度Defects per Object 每件的缺陷数h,Trend 趋势,Hazard Plot(s) 风险函数散点图i,Risk Analysis 风险分析,"If we do this what may happen contrary to our interests ?" “如果我们这样做,可能发生的对我们不利的情况有哪些?”,Sources 风险来源Attractive Choice 吸引人的选项,(Choice) (选项)PS,1. RISK What characteristics of this choice may fail to satisfy the GIVENS totally ?,1. 风险 该选项的什么特性可能不完全满足特定的要求?2. RISK What features or characteristics of this CHOICE compromise or threaten an important WANT ?,2.风险 该选项的什么特色或特征妥协或者威胁一个重要的需求,3. UNIVERSAL 普遍的 Do you anticipate problems with the choice in any of the folowing areas ?, 你是否预见任何下列种类选项中的问题,People 人员,Organisation 组织,External Influences 外部影响,Facilities 设备,Equipment 器材,Ideas - Policies - Processes 观念-政策-方法,Materials 材料,Money - Economics 资金-经济,Capacity 生产量,Quality 质量,Timing 时间,Personal Interferences 人员影响,Procedure: PROCEDURE: Investigate one choice at a time. All threat assessment by the same individual or group. Apply “If…then” format.,程序:一次研究一个选项。全部的威胁由同一个人或组来估定。应用“如果…那么”形式, Estimate likelihood of occurrence (Probability 1-10),10)估计出现的可能性(概率1-10), 10 = Definitely will happen, 1 = Highly unlikely to happen,10=将一定发生,1=非常不太可能发生, State consequences if it does occur (Severity 1-10),10)情形结果如果它确实发生(严重程度1-10), 10 = Extremely critical, 1 = Little consequence,10=非常危急,1=不大碍事, List each consequence individually and evaluate the seriousness of each consequence individually.,单独地列出各个结果并单独的评价各个结果的严肃性,"SERIOUSNESS" No. 10 means rejection if a probability is certain (10 x 10). ,“严重度”10意味着如果确定了问题存在就必定拒收(10 x 10)P = Probability (1 - 10) P=可能性(1 - 10) ,S = Seriousness (1 - 10) S=严重度(1 - 10) ,Decision Making Worksheet 决策表,End Result最终结果:Choices Available 可供选择,Criteria 标准,GIVENS: (Mandatory, Measurable, Realistic) ,特定信息:(强制性的、可测量的、实际的)Givens Information,特定的信息信息Y/N,是/否Givens Information,特定的信息Y/N,是/否,WANTS: (Objective or Subjective),需要:(主观的和客观的)How Important 重要性(1-10)Wants Information,所需信息How Good 多好 ,(0-10)Score,分数Wants Information,所需信息How Good 多好,(0-10)Score,分数,Relative Merit,相对优点,Total Score 总分Relative Merit,相对优点,Total Score 总分,Problem Prevention Worksheet 问题预防表,Objective of the Plan (Include Due Date) 计划目标(含完成日期),Key Steps 主要步骤Priority优先权重Possible Barriers,可能的障碍Preventions,预防措施Protection,保护措施Cues 提示Who? 谁?PSP x SDate or Event,日期或事件,Use your experience to identify steps of your plan that are complex, have tight deadlines, are high impact, are new, etc.,使用你的经验来确定复杂的、完成日期紧迫的、影响大的新计划步骤,Determine which step(s) most need your attention / resources.,决定那些步骤最需要你的关注/资源Identify possible barriers to completing the key steps. Consider the areas of people, methods, materials, machines, measurement and environmental issues.确定你要完成关键步骤所可能遇到的障碍。对于每一个关键步骤可能存在多于一个的障碍。探查人群周围,方法,原料,机器,测量和环境问题。 How can you keep each barrier or cause of trouble from happening or developing. What can be done to protect your plan's objective ?,如何预防障碍或问题的原因发生或发展。可以怎样 确保计划目标的达成?What is your contingency plan if a problem still develops ? Identify the person or position responsible to begin the protection action. Also identify the cue which tells that person to initiate the protection action(s).,如果问题继续存在,你的紧急方案是什么?确定保护措施执行的人和地点。同时确定告知此人开始保护措施的提示。,1. Use The Team Approach 运用团队方法, Champion named 牵头人名字, Sub-suppliers on the Team 团队中的分供方, Customer on the Team 团队中的顾客, Other pertinent personnel on the Team 团队中其它关键人物, Indication of Team brainstorming 团队头脑风暴的氛围,2. Problem Description 问题描述, Common/Special cause determined 决定普通/特殊原因 , Problem stated in the customer terms 用顾客需求描述问题, Start/End dates listed 开始/结束日期, Percent defective listed 缺陷百分比, Frequency of problem listed 问题频次, Actual measurements reported 实际测量数据, Specifications listed 列出规格,3. Containment & Short-Term Corrective Action 围堵和临时措施 , All stock locations purged 检查所有的库存, (____supplier's site, ____warehouse, ____sub-supplier, ____ customer's site, ____ next customer, ____ other 供应商现场、仓库、分供方、顾客现场、下一顾客和其它现场), Percent effectiveness of containment listed 列出围堵的有效率, Dates of containment actions listed 列出围堵行动日期, Sort results listed ____sorted, ____found, ____% defective 筛选结果___筛选, ____发现 ____缺陷率% , Method of sort is_____stated, _____unsatisfactory 筛选方法在_____中有规定, _____不足, Short term corrective actions listed 列出短期整改方案,4. Root Cause 根本原因, Cause & Effect diagram 因果图, Is/Is-Not analysis 是/不是分析, "Why" 5X 5个“为什么”, Unacceptable root cause:_____operator error, ____Set-up piece 不能接受的根本原因:_____操作者错误, ____ 开机首件, Stated root cause is a root cause (rather than symptom or effect) 确定根本原因是真正的根本原因(而不是症状或印象), Percent contribution of each root cause listed 列出每种根本原因的贡献率, PROCESS Root Cause recognized 识别过程根本原因, SYSTEM Root Cause recognized 识别系统根本原因, Root cause verified 根本原因验证, Process flow diagram available 过程流程图,5. / 6. Implement & Verify Permanent Corrective Action 执行/验证永久措施, Dates of the actions indicated 指出行动日期, Stated actions cover all PROCESS root causes 陈述所有过程根本原因的行动, Stated actions cover all SYSTEM root causes 陈述所有系统根本原因的行动, Actions adequately address timing of problem 行动方案注明问题解决时间, Actions adequately address magnitude of problem 行动方案对应问题根本原因, Percent effectiveness listed (corrective actions) 列出行动方案的有效率, Chart available to verify effectiveness 有表格确认有效率 , (____Throughput, ____Scrap, ____Dock Audit, ____IR's, (____生产量, ____报废, ____出货检验, ____顾客拒收, ____Return sales sort results, ____Warranty ____退回, ____售后,7. Prevent Recurrence 预防重复发生, Process or Product FMEA reviewed/updated 重审/更新FMEA, Control Plans reviewed/revised 重审/修改控制计划, Process Sheets reviewed/revised 重审/修改工艺流程表, Additional training required 所需其它培训,8. Congratulate Your Team 奖励团队, Positive feedback given 给与正面反馈, Employees rewarded 奖励员工
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