这是一个页数为2页的Excel表格格式的年度现金流逐月预测 (英文版)表,下载后可编辑可打印,其他现金流量表财务会计财务报表可以在本网站搜索下载。
Analysis and improvement of cash flow,Annual cash flow forecast report(month by month),Instructions: 1.The following form is used for making an annual forecast report of the company's cash flow month by month. 2.You need to enter the numbers in the colorless cells(blank) first(all the following mumbers and information are examples), but please don't enter any numbers or words in the color cells of the following form, because they're automatic computed or displayed.,Company name: Tabulator: Amount unit: Date:,MonthJan. Feb.Mar.Apr.May.Jun.Jul.Aug.Sep.Oct.Nov.Dec.Total,Cash balance at the beginning of the month——,Cash inflow,Subtotal of cash inflow from operating activities,Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of services,Refund of tax and levies,Accounts receivable collected,Other cash received relating to operating activities,Subtotal of cash inflow from investing activities ,Proceeds from disposal of investments ,Cash received from investments ,Proceeds from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other assets ,Other cash received relating to investing activities,Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities,Cash received from borrowings,Cash received from accepting investment ,Other cash received relating to financing activities,Total cash inflow,Cash outflow,Subtotal of cash outflow from operating activities,Cash paid for raw materials,goods ,Cash paid for receiving services,Cash paid to and for employees,Welfare expenses payable,Payments of all types of taxes,Cash paid for taxes and fees,Cash paid for office supplies,Cash paid for marketing and advertising expenses,Cash paid for travel expenses,Cash paid for logistics cost,Cash paid for water, electricity, gas and other energy consumption,Cash paid for website construction and maintenance fee,Cash paid for maintenance cost of machinery and equipment,Cash paid for vehicle related costs,Cash paid for meal and entertainment expenses,Cash paid for insurance expenses ,Cash paid for commissions or fees,Cash paid for rental,Cash paid for telephone charges,Other cash payments relating to operating activities,Subtotal of cash outflow from investing activities,Cash paid to acquire investments ,Cash paid for fixed assets,intangible assets and other assets ,Other cash payments relating to investing activities,Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities ,Cash repayments of amount borrowed ,Cash payments for interest ,Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits,Other cash payments relating to financing activities,Total cash outflow,Net cash flow,Cash balance at the end of the month——,Copyright 2019 by Beijing Weiming Wave Management Consulting Co., Ltd. All Right Reserved
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